Bienestar Proyecto Latino Contra El S.I.D.A.

Alternate Names
First Documented
Last Documented

1169 N. Vermont Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90029
United States

Bienestar was a Spanish-written newsletter educating readers on the state of HIV/AIDS in Latinx communities-- emphasizing that heterosexuals were also impacted. In addition to providing comprehensible medical information, Bienestar included hope testimonials from infected community members alongside daily support activities/services for anyone interested. Listed is the newsletter's original address from 1995, although it changed throughout the newsletter's course.

Bienestar was a Spanish-written newsletter aiming to improve the state of HIV/AIDS within Latinx communities by providing comprehensible information and medical services to its readers. The newsletter often comprised of an editorial, infection-specific spreads, medical treatment options, alternatives, women’s section, testimonies, and community announcements. Such a publication was extremely useful for Latinx communities, as little information was provided about HIV/AIDS infection.

Further, of the little resources later made available, none distributed were written in Spanish or acknowledged the cultural barriers/stigma associated with diagnosis. Of the roughly two million people HIV/AIDS infected within the United States, Latinxs made up 32%. Many HIV/AIDS infected Latinxs struggled with accepting diagnoses, as sharing such information essentially forced individuals to “come out” with their sexuality. This was often avoided, as one could face discrimination by coworkers, family, friends, and other community members. However, Bienestar-Extra ensured to include Hope-Testimonials, or stories of HIV/AIDS infected Latinxs receiving immense support from their loved ones. By providing information relating to an individual’s overall wellbeing (the translation of ‘bienestar’) and reinforcing support systems, this newsletter served as a vital HIV/AIDS resource throughout Latinx communities. 


Bienestar. Bienestar Proyecto Latino Contra El SIDA. Dec. 1995. ONE Archives at USC Libraries, NL AIDS.

34.0927984, -118.2920901