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Past Programs

At land’s edge presents: “Everything Will Be Fine”

On: Mar 30 2017 at: 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Please join ONE Archives and At land’s edge for a special screening of Everything Will Be Fine (Alles Wird Gut) written by Fatima El-Tayeb and Angelina Maccarone, directed by Angelina Maccarone, 1998, Germany. The screening will be followed by a conversation between Fatima El-Tayeb and Tisa Bryant.

Day With(out) Art: Compulsive Practice

On: Dec 4 2016 at: 3:00 pm - 3:00 pm
December 1 is World AIDS Day and Day With(out) Art, an international day of action and mourning founded by Visual AIDS in 1989 in response to the AIDS crisis. For the 2016 iteration, Visual AIDS presents COMPULSIVE PRACTICE, an hour-long video program of work by nine artists and activists who live with their cameras as one way to manage, reflect upon, and change how they are affected by HIV/AIDS.