This is the final day to see Archival Intimacies. Please join for a closing tour and celebration with curator Aziz Sohail.
Sohail will conduct a tour that will also be broadcast on IG Live. The tour will be followed by an outdoor reception as a time to reflect and celebrate the closing of Archival Intimacies. The tour will occur inside, but the reception will take place outside. Masks are strongly encouraged while inside.
Please RSVP here.
Aziz Sohail is an art curator, writer, and researcher. Since 2020, with The Many Headed Hydra collective, he has been co-leading kal, a language where yesterday and tomorrow are the same word and a trans*oceanic platform supporting practices enacting queer pasts/futures and decolonial ecologies. His current research is a meditation on the longue-durée intersections of sexuality and colonialism with migration, law, and identity.