Clarke had picked up the suspect, Carl Allen Ruttan, a 27 year old carpenter, at Santa Monica Boulevard and Orange Drive. After agreeing on a price of 25 dollars, Clarke drove them into the Hollywood Hills to Wonder View Drive where they had sex and drank a few beers. Ruttan told the police that afterwards, the victim had refused to pay, so the pair ended up in a heated argument. He claims that Clarke grabbed him by the hair and banged his head against the car window, which then led to the suspect stabbing the him with his knife. The victim then drove off in his car, presumably to the location where his body was found.
Information presented here is from a Los Angeles Times article published on November 28, 1980 called "Homicides: A Community in Fear"

Date of Death – October 16, 1980 (just before midnight) Victor Clarke, age 30, a clerk in a Wilshire Boulevard office building, was found stabbed to death and lying on the ground next to his white Volkswagen station wagon. His car was found crashed into a curb at the address listed above.
Murders – GLBT Related --1980 – 1989, ONE Subject File collection, Coll2012-001, ONE National Gay & Lesbian Archives, Los Angeles, California