Stan Bartosiak

What is your name?
Stan Bartosiak

When did you start/how long have you been volunteering at ONE?

What is your favorite part about volunteering at ONE?
I love interacting with the staff – always something positive to say, and always something very interesting to learn from them.  I also love the fact that I am helping to document our history.

Do you have a favorite collection or item you have come across?
Not really – I have been kept very busy with the work the Archivists have given me.

What is the weirdest/funniest task you have done while volunteering?
When I was new, I was given the task of sorting through over 100 boxes of newspaper clippings – that took me almost a year of daily work.

What is something that you have learned about queer history while working with the collection that surprised you or you didn’t know before?
While reading through the subject files, I am always amazed by the stories of discrimination, and police harassment that my forefathers and mothers had to endure.  Bravo to them!

What is something about ONE that people might not know but you wish they did?
I have been told that ONE is the largest collection of its kind in the world.

What has brought you joy recently during the pandemic and uprisings?
I have been using the skills I have learned at the ONE Archive to document and sort through materials of my own family history for the next generation(s).  I am kept VERY busy with this all.