The year was 1994. It was the 25th anniversary of the Stonewall Riots and, as luck would have it, the year in which a new magazine called The Harvard Gay & Lesbian Review was publishing its first issue (Winter 1994). The fact that The G&LR's first year coincided with Stonewall's 25th forever joined its fate with that of the founding event of the modern LGBT movement. Join celebrated speakers to help launch the Review's In Search of Stonewall: The Riots at 50, The Gay & Lesbian Review at 25, a book that commemorates the magazine's 25th birthday with a collection of relevant articles selected from its 136 issues. "The riots that followed the 1969 raid on the Stonewall Inn in New York and the New York Gay Liberation Front that emerged from those riots were the opening salvos of a militant gay revolution."
Please join Editor Richard Schneider, Felice Picano and Tom Baker in a discussion of this pivotal event in our community's history.
Richard Schneider, Jr. is the founder and editor-in-chief of The Gay & Lesbian Review Worldwide (until 2000, The Harvard Gay & Lesbian Review), which he launched in 1994. Taking his doctorate in sociology at Harvard in the early 1980s, he was a university lecturer for the next decade before founding The G&LR as a sideline while working for a Boston consulting firm in the 1990s. The magazine has been his full-time job since 1999.
Felice Picano is the author of 35 books of poetry, fiction, memoirs and nonfiction. His work is translated into 15 languages; several titles were national and international bestsellers, including The Lure, Like People in History and The Book of Lies. Four of Picano's plays have been produced. He is considered a founder of modern gay literature, along with other members of the Violet Quill. His most recent works include True Stories: Portraits from My Past (2011), Contemporary Gay Romances (2011), and Twelve O'Clock Tales (2012). Find his stories, essays and reviews at felicepicano.net.
Tom Baker is a graduate of the College of William & Mary. He enjoyed a successful career in the advertising world, winning many awards for the ads and commercials he produced. He now writes full time. Baker lives in a tree house in Santa Monica Canyon with his two beagles. His longtime companion, Gary, left for a better world in 2011.
Please RSVP or email questions to Stephen Hemrick: stephen.hemrick@glreview.org