Fire and the Future: A Panel Discussion about Jane Eyre, Los Angeles

In addition to the debut of this film (viewable here), we will host a panel discussion on Monday May 3, 2021 on Zoom. To attend, please register here. The panel brings together the artists and art historians to discuss the film in context, thinking about the fields of art history, queer ecology, transness and futurity using the film as a jumping off point. The panel will take up questions the films asks such as is the incendiary power of the feminine a path to reveal our true selves? Can it light the way to a more equal society where care work is valued, the earth is defended, and relationships are based on mutual aid? How does the story of Jane Eyre help to tie a a thread between trans-femininity and destructive wildfires in Southern California?



Coco Klockner is an artist and writer in New York City. Their studio practice uses sculpture, video, and text to address the circulation of ideology through its varied hosts: material culture, media, and bodies.

Jordan Loeppky-Kolesnik is an artist from Montréal living in Los Angeles. They work in video, sculpture, and installation, creating experiences that tell stories about ecological survival, the queer body, personal relationships, and sense of place.

Aaron Katzeman is currently a PhD student in Visual Studies with an emphasis in Global Studies at the University of California, Irvine. He received his BA in Art History with a certificate in Environmental Studies from the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa. Aaron's research lies at the intersection of contemporary art, political ecology, and decolonial geographies, with a particular focus on the visual culture of land struggles. He is a co-chair of the Environmental Humanities research cluster at UCI, co-organizer of the Climate Futures Collective study group, and is working as a curatorial research assistant with the Orange County Museum of Art for their participation in the 2024 Getty Pacific Standard Time: Art x Science x LA exhibition. 

Martabel Wasserman is a PhD Student in Art and Art History at Stanford University. She received her BA from Harvard University and MFA from University of California, Irvine. She has an interdisciplinary practice at the intersections of art, activism and academic research. She has written about fierce pussy, the AIDS crisis, the aesthetics of solidarity and feminist art and environmentalism. Curatorial projects include Fire in Her Belly, Hold Up, and Coastal/Border. She has exhibited at Gracie Mansion Gallery in New York City, Human Resources in Los Angeles and the Museum of Art and History, Santa Cruz.

Mon, May 3 2021
05:00 pm ~ 06:30 pm