
Donate Materials

It is because of the generous contributions from individuals in the LGBTQ community that ONE Archives' collections are the largest repository of LGBTQ materials in the world. ONE collects books and periodicals; personal and professional photographs; personal documents, such as letters, diaries and manuscripts; organizational records, such as meeting minutes, reports and promotional material; film, video and audio recordings; art and art photography; and a variety of other objects related to the LGBTQ experience.

If you have material you would like to donate, please call 213.821.2771 or email and provide us with details about your collection, including the type(s) of material, the subject matter, and the size of your collection (e.g. number of boxes).

When donating materials, please complete our standard Deed of Gift form found here and include it with your donation.

Support Us


A donation to ONE Archives at the USC Libraries supports daily operations of ONE including processing materials, securing physical housing for archival materials, planning exhibitions, and hosting programs. Donations of any size are welcome and we appreciate your generosity. We rely on USC, grants, and donors like you. If you have any further questions about your donation, please don't hesitate to contact us.